The Holt Family

The Holt Family
Missonaries to Sierre Leone
GTFBM was founded by Stephen and Laura Holt for the purpose of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Sierra Leone, West Africa
GTFBM was founded by Stephen and Laura Holt for the purpose of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Sierra Leone, West Africa
TNTI Ministries was begun to plant independent, fundamental, Baptist churches, primarily in the Spanish language. The goal is to enter cities where God has opened the doors of endeavor with nationals already trained. The purpose is to provide on-the-field training in establishing churches for a period of time until the national worker can continue with a small group of new converts.
Saved since 1988. Member of Calvary Baptist Church in Beaufort, SC. Graduated from the Beaufort Bible Institute in 1999 with a Bachelor of Divinity degree. Directed a Bilingual Spanish/English ministry for 6 years. Currently on deputation as a missionary to Puerto Rico.